Father’s Day with Samsung Home Appliances


As part of Father’s Day, Samsung Home Appliances asked me to share what our family did to mark the occasion as a family of four.  The boys love to cook and so insisted they wanted to cook with their Dad on Father’s Day.


The boys are always to use fresh ingredients as we produce a lot of our own fruit and vegetables at our allotment which we store in our Samsung Fridge Freezer.  Within the fridge, we have a deep vegetable drawer and roomy shelves, so there’s ample storage to keep a wealth of ingredients to cook with.  The boy’s decided that they wanted to make a pizza for their Dad and asked if he would join in with them.


Making is a great bonding activity as I always thinking preparing the dough create so much chatter and laughter.  The boys and their Dad used a simple recipe from BBC Good Food and they personalised their toppings to suit them.  We always encourage them to try new toppings too, even if they just put one new ingredient on.  We source our ingredients from local shops plus we enjoy growing our own vegetables at our allotment.

The boy’s loved cooking with their Dad and especially enjoyed tasting their freshly cooked pizza on Father’s Day.  I love how cooking really brings a family together and children learn what works goes in to making the food we eat.  When people prepare food around the table lots of conversations are always sparked.


I always think that when you prepare food from scratch it always looks and tastes so much better, plus it gives a great amount of satisfaction .  If you’re looking for a new Fridge Freezer for storing lots of fresh ingredients, super stylish and lots of fantastic features, go and check out the huge range from Samsung Home Appliances.


Get to know my Samsung Fridge Freezer


When we were deciding upon a fridge freezer for our family Samsung’s instantly jumped out at us due to their great reputation and intelligently thought out features. During this blog post I will highlight some of the amazing design features and why we fell in love with our Samsung Fridge Freezer.



Our Samsung Fridge Freezer oozes space and as a family of four this was something that was instantly appealing to us.  It has lots of shelves, deep storage drawers, a wine rack and even shelving in the freezer doors which optimises it’s storage capacity.  We love to freezer left over food and vegetables from our allotment, in addition to our typical frozen food bought at the supermarket.

Total No Frost
Samsung’s Total No Frost feature  allows the  freezer to maintain an even temperature,  this prevents ice build-up and saving you the hassle of defrosting.

All-Around Cooling

There are carefully positioned vents around the interior walls of the RS52N3313SA/EU  which allows the air to keep circulating. This means every shelf has the same temperature, helping food stay fresher for longer.



Power Freeze
This clever feature quickly decreases the freezer’s temperature when new food  items are added to your freezer, which therefore helps to preserve the quality of fresh food while protecting your frozen items from defrosting.

Water dispenser

Get the refreshing taste of filtered water without the need to hook your fridge into your plumbing. The RS52N3313SA/EU will filter and chill the water – the perfect beverage for a hot day

Vacation mode

Although this is something I can’t utilise during present circumstances, it is something we have benefited from in that past.  It is designed to reduce the power usage when you go on holiday for longer periods of time.  You want to save energy by powering down the RS52N3313/EU when you’re away for a fortnight, but you don’t want items in the freezer to defrost while you’re not there.  If you switch on Holiday Mode,  you use less energy by powering down your fridge section which saves you money on power bills.

Door alarm

If you’re busy in the kitchen and don’t quite close the door on your Samsung Home Appliance, a warning will sound to alert you to the escaping cold. This is also handy for alerting you that a little one is rummage in the fridge for food!



I hope you have found this blog handy for explaining all the fantastic design features on my Samsung Fridge Freezer, I really recommend them for giving you huge food storage with very clever technology.  They have a huge range of Fridge Freezers to meet your needs and your space, so take a look.





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